Thursday 30 April 2009

My day

I walked to work as I would any other day, but today my journey was punctuated by a Moment. it was one of those Moments which makes you challenge your deepest feelings and predjudices.

I was walking, wandering, lost in thought as I wandered up towards my workplace, but I was halted, stopped literally in my tracks by the traffic lights. I stood, whiling away the precious seconds, unaware of what was about to happen.

I looked across. There was a bus. A bus stopped at the other set of traffic lights. There was a man driving the bus.

(Well, the bus wasn't moving, but if it had been, he would have been the man in charge)

The man driving the bus had white hair, and sunglasses. He looked like I imagine Jack Black's grandfather would look. I let my gaze linger on him, wondering if he possibly was Jack Black's grandfather.

Why would Jack's grandfather be driving a bus in Scarborough, England? Would Jack not try to support his grandad instead of having him drive round metal boxes of people? Perhaps he was a stubborn, proud grandad who didn't want any help from his successful grandson? Perhaps he was just a little bit resentful of his grandson's success? Maybe he thought he could have set up a better 'School of Rock' than his granson ever could?

But then it ceased to matter.

He looked at me. Even with his sunglasses on, I knew our gazes had connected. Like two magnets our lines of sight had met, and I had no idea what was going to happen.

Time seemed to slow down, had I always been stood here on this cloudy day staring at a bus driver? Was this my life? Had everything that had gone before been building up to this? This endless moment being shared with an unknown bus driver?

I felt as though my soul was bared to him, and his to me. I had heard of people meeting and falling instantly in love, but this was different. I felt as though we shared something, me and this unknown bus driver.

I became aware that his name was probably William, as though just by looking I could tell. I wondered if we would become great friends, him and me. Perhaps we would spend days driving round the country in a bus, having adventures and other such nonsense. I might at least get some free bus journeys.

But then the traffic lights changed. The bus drove on. William didn't stop, nor call for me to get on. Had I misunderstood what had just happened?

I pictured the bus exploding, and thus cheered continued walking. Shortly after I noticed three people entering my field of vision. I knew them. The middle one, the tall one, was Jason.

Suddenly, and without warning, he shot at me, several times. I knew with Jason being as tall as he is, he would have misjudged the shots, so I kept walking and emerged unscathed. I then dispatched Jason with a quick shot to the temple.

"Job well done" I thought.

And walked on. I'd like to think that the bus driver, William, had shared the moment like I hope he had. William, if you read this, wipe your tears. Those adventures we dreamed of can still be ours, I'll be watching for your bus.